Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm baaaacck....

That's right ladies and gents, you read it correctly, I'm back in action. I know everyone was concerned...allow me to quell your anxiety and reassure you that I am indeed, back for a while.

Well what happened might you ask? A lot of things. Upon lea
ving my last full time employment I felt that I should explore a world of freelancing. This professionalism made me want to explore a different avenue, one where I blogged about professional things and expert I left you all by the wayside. I'm sorry.

Recently, I've been inspired to blog again and not to blog because I feel like my industry begs it of me but to write a blog that only I could write (thank you #SMM2011), life is
so good. Life is really, just too darn good not to share... so, I won't be selfish.

How to recap the exact year that we have missed? Perhaps a montage of words and pictures could su
(sidenote: totally crazy that it has been exactly one year since my last post)

Engaged, employed, in love, sister back in GA, moving, planning, exercising, wining, dining, puggle loving, Chucktown, fiesta...

The fiesta engagement cake featuring sugar Ozzy & Lila

Pumpkin pickin' with my little man...

A white Christmas in Michigan
Looking like an alien with my sweet

My main men
Bling, blingIn our new backyard in Roswell

So check me out y'all. I'm back in blogging action for an undisclosed amount of time...see ya around.