Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All Hate for Bono Aside...Great Commercial!

The World Cup commercial on ESPN is one of the best advertisements I've seen in a while. It gets me hyped for the World is soccer right? Enjoy...and UNITE.

This post is inspired by Advertwisting...where you can find all kinds of editorial about great advertwisting and marketing ideas.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song

I had one of those days yesterday...the kind where I disasterbate and launch into my quarterlife crisis mode..."Who am I? What do I want? How do I get there? Why can't I get there faster?"

Surely all two of you that read this can identify. Any how, I feel a lot more at peace today. I can't really tell you why...the questions and uncertainty remain, I just feel confident that life will work it out. Plus, I am taking the day off tomorrow...for a mental break, so today is technically my Friday. We don't have a lot of days on this earth. Roughly 30,000 if you expect to live until at least 80
(check out the mister's extremely well written post on it, here). Spending too many of those days stressed out about the subsequent days does seem like a total waste of precious days.

So whether or not the place I am in is right or wrong for me. Whether I end up making everything work the way I plan or wait tables...I really need to take it one day at time. Which is much easier to write than practice!

I'll leave you with this. I love DMB like most 15-35 year olds, been to several shows...and I've heard "You & Me" tons of times before...but this weekend, while cleaning the house with my honey, I really "heard" this song. Such a beautiful love song. I want my life to sound like this song...

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Most Annoying Things on Social Media, ever.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my social media. I’m all about checking status or perfectly crafting the most witty update (lame, but I admitted what everyone else won’t). In fact, I have pretty much made my career out of being really well versed in online marketing initiatives and communication via social media. I’m not calling myself an expert but you can feel free too. As such, because I spend ungodly amounts of time on social media I have an opinion on some really annoying practice that a lot of people do. And because this is my blog and I can talk about whatever I please, I am going to share them with you.


2. Bogus invitations to attend things in states that I do not live in or plan on visiting. Double annoyance points if you are inviting me to vote for something at a school I don’t attend. Or never did.

3. Club promoters. Sorry dude, I’m not “thirsty” every single Thursday! Geez…

4. Bands that invite you to become a fan of them every single day. That is a great way to get defriended! If I have to reject you every day, we need to seriously re-evaluate our friendship.

5. Status updates 24-7 on Facebook. If you want to tell everyone every step you are taking or what you are eating for lunch, join Twitter, it is better for noise. I don’t need to see you twice on my feed.

6. This one is a bit hypocritical. Complainers! I do in fact realize that I am complaining, but still! Quit complaining! You are on your iPhone complaining about traffic with a full belly, you are doing better than most of the world.

7. Weird baby things. I get mixed reviews on this one, but I really don’t need to see all of your sonograms and your alien child. With the prevalence of parents on the book now, I can see the need. But seriously, don’t need to know that you are about to get induced or see a picture of your first response pregnancy test. It is weird!

8. Ok, no brainer—Farm anything. I don’t want to join your gang, don’t want to water your crops don’t want to make a virtual pie, etc.

9. Countdowns. 76 days to Germany. 75 days to Germany….every single day! Newsflash, no one that is on your facebook is going with you to Germany and needs to know more than once or twice you are going! Boarding the plane to Germany. Gimme a break!

10. Auto reply or auto follows. Swear to god, one day I talk about losing weight and within 5 hours I have 10 new followers that want to talk about weight loss! My lips are sealed, sister!

What do you find the most annoying things on social media? This post?

P.S. Kinda failed at blogging last month, and sort of all year….but I’m bbbaaaaacccckk and I have a sah-weet new computer so expect great things from me (if you already weren’t).