I frequently have dreams about people that I haven't seen in YEARS. I mean quite a while. Perhaps its facebook...so there is a mental image somewhere in my subconscience I've indexed cette person.
For the most part, I like to think that it is because our paths will cross again. That maybe later on in life there is a purpose for short relationships, random encounters and chance.
Been contemplating becoming a vegetarian recently. I've thought about it before and even gone as far as trying it out for a short while. The previous trials came from a desire to lead a healthier lifestyle.
This time it is a little different. Clearly, after I got the cutest puggle in world (Oz), I became a animal fanatic. Working for a company that has roots in the animal industry really intensifies that fanatical mindset. I read the most horrific stories about the unjust, disgusting things that people do to harmless creatures. Like sick, barbaric stuff. And ironically, my office is located right across the street from a chicken plant.
The other day, driving to work I was behind a truck of condemned chickens. I felt so badly for these poor chickens...I literally could not look at them. Stacked 15 cages deep, with no room to move, 4 chickens to a cage, raised specifically to be killed. The problem is...that my dilemma seemingly begins and ends with chicken. I love chicken. I could probably give up every meat but chicken (and sausage).
Honestly, I cannot imagine life without another Chick-fil-A biscuit or basket of hot wings.
I am just not sure that living life sans meat is the answer to the animal cruelty or inhumane conditions of meat packing. I do realize that I am talking about two different, but related issues. As it stands, I don't actually eat a lot of meat.
And where does fish fall into this whole thing?
Conflicted. Confused. Thinking about the chickens across the road.
Digital marketing professional. Chasing dreams, walking dogs, going green, swiping plastic, figuring it out and chronicling it all...when time allows... like yearly.