Does anyone else's house have a weekly tornado that runs through it? Somehow by Thursday night my house looks like an Ikean war zone. There are shoes that are MIA and dishes with casualties in the kitchen. Heaps of laundry and an empty fridge. So, lots of cleaning ahead...which I actually don't mind. I have a weird obsession with the smell of cleaning supplies...Windex & Pine-Sol are my favs (sick, I know)...and I love a clean house--but, this weekend is a little different. My parents are coming for dinner Sunday and to see the new house. I feel like the house has to be on your knees scrubbing the baseboards clean. My house was built in 1940. I've got years of scrubbing ahead to me. To me, I feel like I have something to prove by the cleanliness of my, "See, I am responsible and neat. Oh my closet??...Yeah, it IS color coded."
Nevermind, that I pay my bills and feed myself these days thank you very much.
This weekend will also leave me a March Madness widow. So thankful that I have the other "girlfriends" to commiserate with. We disguise dinner parties as basketball & beer hang outs. To be honest, I have a bracket but I'm just really not that competitive...until I have a chance of winning.
Finally, I know...I have got to stop with my dog obsession...but Ozzy and Lila became (more) famous this week and won a "Cutest Pet of the Day" contest for PeoplePets on Monday...their winning photo will be on the website this weekend. Here is the photo that swept America (some intern from PeoplePETS ) by storm.

Happy Weekend my (2) Friends!!
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