I digress.
What I want to talk about is “flavor tripping” and the series of events that surround it and me. Late night last week, Adam and I are channel surfing and happen upon this show on the Planet Green. It’s some [kinda out there] chef explaining this berry powder product he is calling “Miracle Fruit.” From his description, he says that this berry temporarily rewires the brain to taste sour as sweet. Huh…fast forward to a montage of kitchen staff gorging themselves on lemons, goat cheese, hot sauce, guiness…and to the untrained eye they were arguably acting pretty crazy. Then, they plan this whole gourmet menu of mums, aloe vera, cactus and grass for their restaurant, Moto…chef goes on to talk about ending hunger with this miracle fruit by making seemingly inedible plants edible with the help of “miracle fruit”…and it is with all of that mumbo jumbo, that I’m done.
I’m a total ”miracle fruit” skeptic and Adam and I turn that garbage off. The real "miracle" is that this nut job got on TV. Next day, I’m still intrigued, so I do a quick little Google search that surprisingly leads me to some credible articles about “miracle fruit”…and not just ones on Wikipedia, y’all…we are talking the NY Times and CNN. It’s true! There is a teeny tiny berry, Synsepalum dulcificum, from West Africa that does do what crazy chef says! In fact, in NYC and L.A. there are parties where this berry is the guest of honor and people pay to ‘flavor trip’ and go wild with their taste buds. Additionally, the berry was presented as a sweetener to the FDA in the 70’s and is popular in Japan with the diabetics! Whodathunkit?
The very next morning, in my inbox, Scoutmob has invited me to ‘flavor trip’ and meet my miracle berry at Three Sheets ATL, where coincidentally I have been jonesin’ to try. What are the odds of this bizarre series of events?Miracle berry why do you taunt me?
Fate? Probably not. I think that fate is probably reserved for meeting the love of your life, or finding that dream job or last pair of shoes in your size…
I’ll let you know how it goes.
I've been hearing about Miracle Fruit so I'm super interested to hear what you have to say about it!